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"Pope Authorizes Official
Pilgrimages to Medjugorje"
Vatican News May 12, 2019

Dear pilgrims and friends,

I am celebrating 40 years since my first visit to Medjugorje and would like to invite all of you join me for my final pilgrimage to Medjugorje. I am living in Croatia since Covid-19 and will meet you all in Medjugorje. Please contact me, Lori Hawes (our new pilgrimage tour coordinator), or use this 206 tours link https://www.206tours.com/cms/lori/

Lori will be continuing the tours I’ve started 40 years ago, the blessed Mother, Queen Of Peace, has called Lori to bring pilgrims to her so She can fill them with Love and Peace that only her son Jesus can give.

Thank you for considering joining me in this holy place. Please share this with your friends and relatives, thank you.

May God bless you and Our Lady guide you.

Nives Jelich

Dear Friends in Christ,
    God is calling us through the loving intercession of His Holy Mother Mary. Since 1981, the Blessed Mother has been appearing daily to a group of young visionaries in Medjugorje, a remote mountain village in Hercegovina. Through these visionaries, she is trying to lead the world back to her Son by way of prayer, penence, faith, fasting and conversion. We invite you to join us on a retreat-pilgrimage to Medjugorje, where you will see, first hand, how to live, love and unite yourself with Our Lord Jesus. In return, you will encounter a spiritual peace seldom experienced in the world. Not just a vacation to satisfy a curiosity, this pilgrimage is a retreat for personal prayer and reflection to commit yourself to Our Blessed Mother and her Son, Jesus, Our Savior.

    Ever since our first trip to Medjugorje in 1986, our lives have been devoted to spreading the message of Mary, Queen of Peace. We have made nearly 200 trips to this place of prayer and we will personally guide you through your journey of faith and peace. Awaken your spirit and journey with us!

    Nives and Frank Jelich

October 2023 Group at Jelka's - Join us in 2025!

Pilgrims in 2023 at Jelka

October 2013 Group at Jelka's - Join us in 2025!

Pilgrims in 2013 at Jelka